Herzlich Willkommen im
Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminar
der Universität Freiburg




Montag bis Freitag
10–12 Uhr und 14–16 Uhr

oder nach Vereinbarung

Raum 1128 / KG I, 1. OG
Tel. 0761/203-3090 sekretariat@muwi.uni-freiburg.de


Für die Öffnungszeiten anklicken

Raum 1126 / KG I, 1. OG
Tel. 0761/203-3093



The department of Musicology is looking at over a hundred years of music research in Freiburg – and is looking towards new questions, paradigms and challenges in times of digitalization, globalization and diversification of music.

Next to the traditional focus on the history of music of the medieval ages, the European art music of the modern times and new music, we are gaining perspectives in the areas of historic ethno-musicology and practice-oriented research. Our starting point is the awareness of a cultural equivalence of all types of music – and of the necessity of a pluralistic understanding of them as texts, acts and contexts.


Through building an intensive network with the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg in the context of the Forschungs- und Lehrzentrum Musik (FZM), with the courses and departments of the university and with the cultural live in Freiburg, the students, researchers and teachers are acting in an intra- and transdisciplinary space that enables the multi-perspective exploitation of our common interests.


Students in Freiburg benefit of the historical spectrum of subjects at the Department of Musicology (antiquity to present) and of the cooperation between the institutions in the FZM. The range of subjects at a full university offers extensive combination possibilities.

Das verfügbare Lehrangebot im Bereich Musikwissenschaft an Uni und Musikhochschule ist ausgesprochen breit. Mit der Hochschule und mit den Nachbarinstitutionen bieten sich Möglichkeiten praxisorientierter und kulturwissenschaftlicher Bereicherung des Fachprofils.


Musikwissenschaft kann man in Freiburg als Bachelor Haupt- und Nebenfach, sowie als Master-Einzelfach studieren. Eine Promotion ist für Absolventen der Uni Freiburg und anderer Hochschulen möglich.


Alle Studiengänge bieten vielfältige Optionen für Praktika und Auslandsstudium. Wenn Sie sich für ein musikwissenschaftliches Studium in Freiburg interessieren, kontaktieren Sie gerne die Studienberatung.


Research at the Department of Musicology takes place in the form of doctorates, the individual research by staff members and projects. Since research and teaching are intertwined, the spectrum ranges chronologically from the early Middle Ages to New Music, and methodologically from source philology and music analysis to gender research and ethnomusicology.

The FZM expands the possibilities, for example, in the areas of historical music theory, practice-oriented research or music pedagogy, etc. In the joint research colloquium of the University of Music and the Department of Musicology, the broad spectrum can be experienced anew semester after semester. Research results are manifested, among other things, in the series Voces – Freiburger Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft.


The diversity of the phenomenon of music requires a variety of methods, expertise and specialisations. Their interplay creates innovative approaches, new research questions and lively dialogue. This is why the music research institutions in Freiburg cooperate with each other, with other disciplines and with the participants in music life.

The Department of Musicology benefits from this dialogue and helps to shape it. The new Research and Teaching Centre for Music (FZM), founded in 2019, offers a common "roof". Forschungs- und Lehrzentrum Musik (FZM).